Our Story
Ray Brandon serves as the Director of Church Planting in the US and Canada for EveryEthne.
We’d love to work together to help churches, multiply disciples, leaders, and church to reach every ethnic group in North America and send missionaries around the world.
We partner with you to help the Church.
Multiply Disciples, Leaders, & Churches
Reach Ethnic Groups
Send Healthy Missionaries
Multiply Disciples, Leaders & Churches
Churches sometimes struggle to engage in the mission of making disciples.
As a pastor, it's challenging to figure out how to revive your church and focus on the main goal: making disciples of Jesus Christ. But you don't have to face this alone.
EveryEthne can assist pastors in finding the necessary resources, connections, evaluations, and workshops to determine the state of their church and find effective solutions to get it back on track.
Multiply Assessments
Empowering Leadership Assessment
The Empowering Leadership Assessment (ELA) is a 360-degree survey that helps pastors become more self-aware of how they are impacting those they are leading. This is not a personality test—it is a window into your leadership impact. The assessment covers six main areas of your leadership:
VISION – The ability to cast and release vision toward a preferred future.
EXPERIMENTATION – The willingness to take risks and learn from mistakes to get to where you are going.
CAPACITY – The ability to clearly understand the limitation and potential of strengths and weaknesses.
STRATEGY – The ability to set goals that turns vision into an actionable plan.
TRAINING – The ability to teach and model the skills necessary to advance the mission.
PROGRESSION – The energy and motivation to make steady progress while advocating bold moves.
Spiritual Formation Assessment
The Spiritual Formation Assessment (SFA) is an anonymous survey that helps establish a baseline of the spiritual health of a church body, focusing on six key spiritual formation areas of a person’s life:
RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD – How are your people walking with the Lord in their daily lives?
BIBLICAL COMMUNITY – How are your people living in relationship with each other?
REDEMPTIVE RELATIONSHIPS – How are your people engaging and having gospel conversations with unbelievers?
STEWARDSHIP OF LIFE – How are your people using their time, talents, and treasurers for the Lord?
SPIRITUAL GIFTS – How are your people using their spiritual gifts?
PERSONAL DISCIPLESHIP – How are your people being discipled and replicating that relationship?
Ministry Area Profile
The Ministry Area Profile (MAP) increases awareness of your community’s specific needs, opportunities, challenges, and diversity, which provides leadership with the ability to make informed decisions about ministry initiatives.
SOCIAL – This creates opportunities to learn how different people think and feel about social and moral issues in our world.
ECONOMIC – Displays the financial and educational status of those in your search area.
ETHNIC – Displays a cultural snapshot of the different people groups about your search area.
SPIRITUAL – Identifies the Christian and non-Christian religious pulse of the search area, including opportunities that exist to reach those far from Jesus.
Events We Host that Help Multiply Disciples, Leaders, and Churches.
M3 Conference - Discipleship
A one-day regionally offered conference to discover simple, biblical steps your church can take to get on a discipleship path to multiplication that will fully engage your congregation in the mission of God. We are confident you will leave with the clarity and resources you need to take your next step in becoming a multiplying church.
Each pastor or church leader receives lunch, drinks, snacks, and a bundle of resources valued at more than $100 to help them take their next step. -
My Circle - Evangelism
MyCircle Training is designed to help church leaders equip their people to participate in God’s redemptive mission in the context of their daily lives and relationships. It is a strategy centered on the reality that what God is going to do in this world, He is going to do with all of Christ’s people. In this evangelism training, every believer in your church will learn:
How they fit in God’s plan for the world.
Practical steps on how to engage and talk to unbelievers about Jesus.
How to bring eternal hope to your everyday relationships. -
M3 Conference - Church Planting
Is your church on the path to multiplication? Have you thought about planting a church?
Our EveryEthne team would love to partner with you to help you design a comprehensive plan that will enable you to plant a church. This 3-day retreat is designed to help you and your church team:
Refine your vision for how God wants to use your church in your community.
Strategize with other pastors on the subject of church planting.
Develop an individualized practical plan for sending out a church plant from your church.
Multiply - Church Planting
We assist the local church to plant churches
We help churches assess their pathway to planting and assess potential church planters.
Church and Planter Coaching
We add value to the planting process ensuring collaboration, emotional, spiritual, and relational health, and assisting healthy churches to plant churches.
Pastoral and Church Plant Residency
We help structure residencies for churches that equip the next generation of leaders with real-time experiences and the right skills.
Reach Ethnic Groups
We Engage Churches in Reaching Unreached People Groups
By 2027, our goal is to mobilize 100 churches to make disciples among 5 unreached people groups now living in North America. EveryEthne can help get your church involved in this vital effort.
We can connect your church with missionaries who are living among these people groups so you can partner in this vital ministry through praying, giving, and sending.
We can provide the information you need to adopt a specific unreached people group in North America.
We can help your church send missionaries for short-term trips or longer-term service.
This kind of mission engagement changes the hearts of people and the culture of churches. To mobilize your church to reach the unreached here in North America, email our team to get involved.
We Engage Churches in Reaching Unreached People Groups
By 2027, our goal is to mobilize 100 churches to make disciples among 5 unreached people groups now living in North America. Everyone can help get your church involved in this vital effort.
We can connect your church with missionaries who are living among these people groups so you can partner in this vital ministry through praying, giving, and sending.
We can provide the information you need to adopt a specific unreached people group in North America.
We can help your church send missionaries for short-term trips or longer-term service.
This kind of mission engagement changes the hearts of people and the culture of churches. To mobilize your church to reach the unreached here in North America, email Ray and Grace for more information.
Reach - Heart, Mind and Soul Seminars
You can build grace and truth relationships with people who are not like you.
The Heart, Mind & Soul Seminars are interactive and designed to help believers build grace and truth relationships with unbelieving individuals within their communities. Throughout the seminar, we take the believer on a journey that guides them toward loving and engaging the unbelieving individual in a biblically, culturally, and actionably appropriate manner.
The seminars shed light on some common misconceptions between the differing people groups and Christians. This helps you and your church better understand the core beliefs, feelings, and values often found in these varying communities. Your church members will come away equipped to build relationships based on both grace and truth with the unbelieving person in their workplace, neighborhood, or family.
Reach - ESL Ministries
ESL (English as a Second Language) holds the unique potential to foster redemptive relationships by creating a welcoming environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds can connect, learn, and grow.
Through the process of language acquisition, students and teachers form bonds that transcend linguistic and cultural barriers, allowing for genuine friendships to develop. These relationships provide a platform to share God’s love, demonstrate empathy, and offer practical support, ultimately leading to spiritual growth and transformation within the community.
Send Healthy Missionaries
Equipping and supporting those who go to multiply and reach.
We help send missionaries who cross cultures without crossing borders in North America.
When you become a missionary with EveryEthne, you can:
Get the training and support you need to plant a new church.
Play a key role in revitalizing churches and helping them get fully engaged in the mission of God.
Cross cultures without crossing borders.
Make disciples among the dozens of unreached people groups living here in North America.
Be part of a collaborative team committed to mobilize the church to be fully engaged in God’s mission.
Not sure about your next step or need more information?
Email Ray Brandon, or set up a meeting and connect with an experienced leader who can help guide you toward the best resource for your unique situation.
By God’s grace, ABWE & EveryEthne missionaries, helped by their supporters and by resources and training through ABWE’s Global Gospel Fund, miraculously witnessed:
More than 500 baptisms across ABWE’s 84-country reach
122,539 patients receiving healthcare and gaining access to the gospel
479 church plants or churches strengthened
23 Bible or Christian literature translation projects completed
In 2023 ABWE & EveryEthne missionaries and ministries were supported by 33,464 donors-
• 28,052 Individuals and Families
• 5,412 Churches and Organizations
In 2023 we were blessed by 5,339 new donors-
• 242 businesses
• 295 churches
• 4,802 individuals and families
“We exist as an organization because there is a Savior who is not known in all the world.”
Paul Davis, ABWE President