Ray & Grace Brandon

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Saturday Night is Sabbath Dinner

Every Saturday night, we gather a lively group of 12 to 20 or more around our table to celebrate the beginning of the Lord’s Day. We share meals, sing hymns and Psalms, read Scripture, pray, and sometimes play whiffle ball or cards, ending the evening with a bonfire.

This cherished tradition brings together our family, extended family, neighbors, church members, and friends, establishing the rhythm of our week. This meal orients our week to Sunday service and renewing our covenant with our churches, Christ Fellowship and CityGate Church, using our home for a place of hospitality that promotes friendship and joy, our entertainment is tactile, face-to-face rather than virtual, the making and sharing of food and conversation.

Grace, who loves to cook, begins preparations early in the week, extending invitations well in advance. On Fridays, she and the girls plan the menu and shop for food, flowers, and decor. Our Saturday mornings start leisurely, with some quiet time for just Grace and me before the gathering begins. We often meet family and friends at the Kalamazoo Farmer’s Market for fresh produce and flowers. Grace and Samantha have been cultivating flower, vegetable, and herb gardens, allowing us to source items directly from our backyard. The girls start cooking in the afternoon while I tend to yard work and household chores. I cherish this time and pray for clear weather, as it’s often my only chance during the week, amidst partner development, ministry, and counseling, to support the family through these activities.

By 5 pm, the work week is over! We gather in the kitchen with glasses of refreshment for small talk and final preparations before the 6 pm dinner. Each week, the meal is delicious, and the fellowship we share is truly special.

These dinners are a way to model disciple-making and Christian fellowship as a family. Pray for us as we seek to model and help other make-disciples, raise up leaders and plant more churches.