Sunday Services are happening.

Disciple-making is not.

End the endless discussions about your church’s next steps.

Create, develop, and implement a disciple-making strategy that propels your ministry into its next chapter with purpose and clarity.

We can help.

The Process

Plant churches by reaching your geography and releasing missionary disciples.


Through a dedicated season of strategic training, collaborative experiences, guided decision-making, and execution coaching, your team will gain remarkable clarity and a profound sense of ownership over today’s most pressing challenges.

The Journey

We guide churches and leaders through a process to implement their mission, vision, and values. We equip leadership with practical tools and resources, aligning their ministry with their Biblical convictions and God’s vision. We connect them with God’s global work through international partners and encourage greater responsibility for their local community.

Church Planting

The final phase focuses on establishing a vision and plan to multiply churches. Missionary disciples partner with local churches to go into new areas. The goal is to join God’s work by starting new efforts in places that lack gospel access. We encourage churches, or groups of like-minded churches, to pray about areas where they have influence and take responsibility for saturating those places with the gospel and connecting people to a local church.

You Deserve an Ally in Your Corner

This journey is not meant to be walked alone, and as Scripture reminds us, "Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety" (Proverbs 11:14). To thrive in your calling and grow into the fullness of God's design, seek the wisdom and support of godly counsel.

  • Ray Brandon

    Pastor, Church Planter, Director of Church Planting in North America with EveryEthne

  • Thad Bergmeier

    Executive Director for Multiplication at EveryEthne, Executive Pastor

  • Jim Murphy

    Church Planter, Evangelist, Author of MyCircle Training

  • Jordan Stinziano

    Church Planter, Thought Leader, International Consultant

We’re Different.


  • Focus on Disciple-Making Over Attendance

  • Achieving Geographic Saturation

  • Ensuring Generational Succession

  • Personal Call not Volunteering

  • Embracing Decentralized Evangelism

  • Empowering and Equipping Leaders

  • Leaders Who Develop and Empower Others

  • The Path to Church Multiplication

Apostolic DNA


  • That whatever God plans to accomplish in the world, He will do it through His people—the Church.

  • God's work through the Church will primarily occur within a decentralized structure.

  • Truly gifted leaders focus on empowering and equipping God’s people rather than relying solely on their own talents. These are the leaders who faithfully fulfill God’s mission.

  • That when God’s work extends beyond the accountability of a local church, it will be supported by the resources of churches that adopt a global perspective, partnering with the Holy Spirit and indigenous leaders in a shared mission.

  • "Coaching has significantly improved the quality of my decision-making. The approach is deeply insightful, tailored to how me and the leadership team thinks and operates, which was essential for me. It’s like working with an experienced guide who asks the right questions to help me uncover the best solutions. His coaching has given me clarity, confidence, and the ability to take decisive action without feeling stuck or overwhelmed by choices."

    Pastor Michael Thompson

  • "Are you responsibly optimistic? Pessimism and leadership do not mix. Leaders are positively visionary."

    J. Oswald Sanders

  • "Whatever God is going to do in the world, He is going to do through all Christ’s people. This means that not just church leadership but every man, woman, and child is called to be involved in taking the gospel to the people around them."

    Dwight Smith